Sunday 3 August 2014

SEO Jokes Part #1 - 10 Funny SEO Jokes of all time

 1. Why did New Jersey get all the toxic waste and California all the SEOs? New Jersey got first pick.

2. Do you know the difference between SEOs and vampires? Vampires only suck blood at night. #lol

 3. Senior Search Optimization officer died – The Company CEO said, “It took seven stone masons 3 months to carve all the headstones. Traffic to the grave site has been excellent”.

4. What did the SEO do on his honeymoon? A: He put a “nofollow” outside the door.

5. Why don’t hyenas eat SEOs? Even hyenas have some dignity.

6.What do blackhat SEO’s eat on Thanksgiving? A: Keyword stuffing.

7. It has been discovered that SEOs are the larval stage of politicians.

8. Why won’t sharks attack SEOs? Professional courtesy.

9. Two SEOs watching a girl with big boobs on trampoline? 1st: I hate it? 2nd: What, the trampoline? 1st: No the bounce rate.

10. How many SEO specialists does it take to change a lightbulb, light_bulb, light-bulb, light.bulb, light bulb?

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